Structural Analysis-II Handwritten Notes [PDF] By Akshay Thakur

There are various types of components in civil engineering structures, which are subjected to different types of loading or combinations thereof. The knowledge gained in the subjects such as Engineering Mechanics, Strength of Materials and Structural Analysis-I is extended in this subject. The scope of the subject is to evaluate the response in the form of shear forces, bending moments, axial forces, and displacement parameters in various statically indeterminate structures such as beams, rigid and pin jointed frames. The subject involves the concept of the displacement and flexibility approach for analysing the indeterminate structures. It also involves the analysis of the indeterminate structures using the concept of plastic analysis and approximate analysis.

Structural Analysis-II
Subject Code : CE-C501
as per Choice Based Credit Grading System (CBCGS)
Revised Course (REV-2016)
University Of Mumbai
By Akshay Thakur


- Syllabus (University Of Mumbai - CBCGS Revised Course 2016)
- Approximate Marks
Module 1 :       General (Static & Kinematic - Determinancy & Indeterminancy)
Two Hinged Arches
Module 2 : Deflection Of Statically Determinate Structures
Module 3 : Analysis Of Indeterminate Structures By Force Method
3.1 - Clapeyron’s Theorem Of Three Moments. 
3.2 - Flexibility Method
Module 4 : Analysis Of Indeterminate Structures By Displacement Methods
4.1 - Direct Stiffness Method
4.2 - Slope Deflection Method
4.3 - Moment Distribution Method
4.4 - Kani's Method
Module 5 : Plastic Analysis Of Steel Structures
Module 6 : Approximate Method For Analysis Of Building Frames
6.1 - Portal Method
6.2 - Cantilever Method
6.3 - Substitute Frame Method
Summary (Of All Chapters)



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Structural Analysis-II Handwritten Notes [PDF] By Akshay Thakur Structural Analysis-II Handwritten Notes [PDF] By Akshay Thakur Reviewed by Akshay Thakur on January 03, 2019 Rating: 5

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