How To Choose Right Construction Equipment for Your Project ?
Most of The Construction Projects Involve Laborious Work Which Is To Be Handled
By Men & The Equipment Designed For Doing The Work Undersigned.
It is difficult for
workers to accomplish all things in a project and so there comes the need for machines
particularly the construction equipment (machinery) that is widely used
nowadays almost everywhere in the world. For
speedy and economic construction of a project, proper choice of equipment is of
preliminary importance for civil engineers. The versatile range of equipment
available commercially involves the decision of people. There are few basic
things that are considered in selection of suitable equipment. They are as
1. Use of Available Construction Equipment
Where the full utilization of new equipment
for its entire working life is not foreseen, or its utilization on further
projects is uncertain, it may be desirable to use existing old equipment even
if its operation is somewhat more expensive. The depreciation cost of the new
machine is likely to be high, and this would raise the owning cost of the
equipment and thus the unit cost of work.
Suitability for Job Conditions
The equipment chosen should suit the
conditions of the job, soil, valley, working conditions and climate of the
Uniformity in Type
A minimum number of types should be acquired
so that there is uniformity in the type of equipment on a job. A common type of
engine should be selected for the different types machines such as excavators,
dump trucks, tractors and scrapers that are on the project.
Size of Construction Equipment
Larger equipment gives higher output on full
load, but its cost of production on part load is usually greater than that of
smaller units working on full load. Larger equipment needs correspondingly
larger size of matching units, and shutting down of one primary unit may render
several other large units idle. Transportation to works is generally difficult
and costly. Servicing, maintenance and repair facilities have to be greater for
larger units. However, larger machines are usually more sturdy and suitable for
tough working conditions. It is desirable to have equipment of same size on the
project. With standbys, the cost of larger size standby equipment is more than
that of smaller size.
Use of Standard Construction Equipment
Standard equipment is commonly manufactured
and is available. Such equipment is manufactured in large numbers and so
readily available and moderately priced. Spare parts of standard equipment are
easily available and are less costly. After the work is over, disposing off
standard equipment and its spare parts is generally easier than disposing off
non-standard or specialized equipment.
Unit Cost of Production:
The economics of equipment is one of the most
important considerations in the selection of equipment. When calculating owning cost, all items of
expenses, like freight, packing and forwarding, insurance, erection,
commissioning, etc. should be included with the price paid to the supplier.
Country of Origin
For imported equipment, it is preferable to
import from a soft currency rather from a hard currency area, to save foreign
currency reserves.
Availability of Spare Parts
The availability of spare parts at reasonable
costs during the entire working life of the equipment should be ensured while
selecting a particular type or make of equipment, especially of imported
equipment. Downtime due to shortage of spare parts commonly accounts for long
idle periods during the working life of equipment. If specialists are needed,
their availability should also keep in mind.
The machine selected should, if possible, be
able to do more than one function and should be inter-convertible wherever
10. Selection of Manufacturer
It is good to have equipment of the same
manufacturer on a project as far as possible and to have minimum number of
different makes of equipment. The quality and commitment of local dealers is
important. They should be sincere and capable of extending prompt after sales
11. Suitability of Local Labour
The locally available operators and
technicians should be able to handle the equipment selected. A special
equipment may have excellent performance but it may be difficult to handle it
through available know-how.
12. Adaptability for Future Use
If the machine is required to work for only a
part of its useful life then possibility on of disposing it off or its
employment some other job should be considered. Obsolescence of the machine
should not be overlooked.
How To Choose Right Construction Equipment for Your Project ?
Reviewed by Akshay Thakur
November 29, 2019

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